

迦溆 BioArt 2018-10-18

撰文/责编丨迦 溆

2017年5月30日发表在Nature Methods杂志上的一篇题为 Unexpected mutations after CRISPR–Cas9 editing in vivo 的文章给当时热火朝天的、用于人类基因治疗的CRISPR-Cas9基因编辑技术蒙上了一层阴影。文章声称,“CRISPR-Cas9技术可引发基因组上发生数百个意想不到的的基因突变”【1】(见【聚焦】CRISPR可致数百个位点突变,引入基因治疗需谨慎丨BioArt特别关注),以致一些相关知名公司的股价下跌,然而还不到一年,该论文就已经撤稿。当然,它的撤稿之路也充满了曲折。

论文被撤稿的同时,Nature Methods还刊出了一篇题为 CRISPR off-targets: a reassessment 的社论(下图),描述了整个事件的过程,并且表明了编辑部的态度。值得玩味的是,编辑部说这篇论文是经过同行评审过的,但是很遗憾他们邀请的论文评审专家没有一位对小鼠的遗传背景方面较熟悉“The original paper was peer reviewed, but we should have sought at least one additional referee with expertise in the genetics of inbred mouse strains. We regret this omission.”

Nature Methods这篇被撤稿的论文是2017年5月30日在线的,上线后立刻引起轩然大波。迫于诸多质疑的压力,Nature Methods编辑部在半个月后,也就是6月14日发布了一则简短的“Editorial Note”,表示已经注意到了读者的激烈批评,将会在解决这一问题之后做出进一步回应。Editorial Note: readers are alerted that the conclusions of this paper are subject to criticisms that are being considered by editors. A further editorial response will follow the resolution of these issues.

7月5日,预印本杂志bioRxiv率先发布了一篇质疑文章,称Nature Methods论文中所谓的上百的非预期突变实则反映了小鼠的遗传背景中的indels和SNPs,实验对照组没有设置好【2】

7月25日,Nature Methods编辑部发布了一份“Editorial Expression of Concern”,正视多方质疑的核心问题,即,对照小鼠和CRISPR编辑小鼠之间的遗传变异问题。编辑部表示他们正在联系原文作者以及质疑者,以便进一步调查相关问题。此外,编辑部还表示一旦完成调查将会立即知悉读者,最后还明确提醒读者,原文所有作者均不同意杂志社发表编辑部关切。(Editorial Expression of Concern: The editors of Nature Methods are issuing an editorial expression of concern regarding this paper to alert our readers to concerns about interpretation of the data. Multiple groups have questioned the interpretation that single nucleotide changes seen in whole-genome sequences of two CRISPR–Cas9-treated mice are due to the CRISPR treatment. Since the background genetic variation between the control mouse and the CRISPR-treated animals is not known, an alternative proposed interpretation is that the observed changes are due to normal genetic variation. We are in contact with the critics and with the authors to examine this matter further. We will update our readers once these investigations are complete. All the authors do not agree with the journal's decision to issue an editorial expression of concern.

值得注意的是,除了bioRxiv最先发表质疑文章外,Nature Methods杂志随后还一口气发表了5篇回应文章(下图),蔚为壮观观,好不热闹。所有回应文章均全部否定了当初Nature Methods的那篇论文。

事实胜于雄辩。终于,2018年3月30日,Nature Methods撤回了去年5月30日发表的那篇论文(经过同行评阅),理由是原文作者在两只CRISPR治疗小鼠中观察到的大量基因组变异不能完全归因于基因编辑技术本身,而可能是小鼠本身的遗传背景差异造成的。

S.H.T. 和 W.-H.W. 同意撤稿,其他作者不同意。所有作者都注意到,CRISPR编辑后的全基因组测序数据是非常少的,关于CRISPR对基因组的影响仍然需要进一步研究,这些作者还会继续进行后续全基因组测序分析。

Nature Methods杂志发表最初的那篇文章似乎操之过急,论文还没发表已经提前在媒体上广为宣传,虽然该文章是经过同行评议的,但是俗话说得好,“唱戏的但求人多,看热闹指望事大”。随着论文遭受的质疑越来越多,编辑部也不得不积极回应,最后还算认真负责的进行了处理。最后,笔者对于Nature Methods杂志后面刊登5篇回应确实是佩服,这会也不考虑考虑金贵的版面了。


1. Schaefer, K. A., Wu, W. H., Colgan, D. F., Tsang, S. H., Bassuk, A. G., & Mahajan, V. B. (2017). Unexpected mutations after CRISPR-Cas9 editing in vivo. Nature methods, 14(6), 547-548.

2. Lareau, C., Clement, K., Hsu, J. Y., Pattanayak, V., Joung, J. K., Aryee, M. J., & Pinello, L. (2017). “Unexpected mutations after CRISPR-Cas9 editing in vivo” are most likely pre-existing sequence variants and not nuclease-induced mutations. bioRxiv, 159707.

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